A few weeks ago, we had a gathering of photography club members at Skyhigh restaurant. It was a thank you, the first of its kind since the club was started. For many of us it was a long overdue gesture to show appreciation for the many dozens of hours many of us put in in supporting the club, its activities, and also offering a free service to the many clubs, societies and official university activities.
The bill for the dinner was of course taken up by the club's coffers.... so needless to say, we ordered up a riot....
And where the club members go.... the gear gets brought along too:
Feeling the ambience:
By the way, except the first photo, the all shown here are taken with the new Canon G10. Incidentally, it was the smallest camera there that night, wasn't an SLR and the one with the highest mega-pixels. Of course, the G10 also offers excellent image quality for a camera with a sensor its size.
Did I already mention these were taken with a G10?
I love my new little camera.
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